Jet Pilots Organization
JPO Constitution
The name of this organization shall be THE JET PILOT'S ORGANIZATION, INC. and shall be hereinafter referred to and designated as the "JPO" or the "Organization."
Subject to the limitations set forth in the Jet Pilot’s Organization, Inc., Articles of Incorporation, the JPO is founded to promote and advance ducted fan and turbine-powered technology for the support, recreation, and fellowship of those individuals interested in the design, construction, and flight of jet model aircraft. More particular purposes are listed below, but shall not be considered exclusive:
(a) To encourage the study and discussion of scientific problems related to model jet aircraft and to disseminate these scientific news and views to the membership.
(b) To encourage joint discussion directed toward group agreement on development needs relating to jet model aviation, including safety.
(c) To encourage the contribution of articles on the development of jet model aeronautics to the JPO publication.
(d) To guide and direct national jet model activities to the end that jet model aeronautics may be advanced in the United States in a manner that will serve jet model aviation as a whole.
(e) To help establish and maintain official regulations governing the conduct of jet model activities and issue sanctions for the same.
(f) To support, through activities and guidance, the Academy of Model Aeronautics, Inc. as its Special Interest Group (SIG) representing jet modeling.
The scope of the organization is international with members in many foreign countries. All members shall also be members of their national sporting aviation authority or organization as recognized by the
Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI). These national authorities include, but are not limited to, the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) in the United States and the Model Aviation Association of Canada (MAAC).
Membership in the JPO shall be open to any and all persons who agree with the Purpose of the Association set forth above, and who also agree to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws, and other officially promulgated rules, regulations, directives, and guidelines while engaged in JPO-related activities during the term of their membership. Current membership in a recognized national sporting model aviation authority (such as the AMA, MAAC, etc.) is a prerequisite for JPO membership, as is payment of the current-year dues. Membership in the Organization shall not be denied to any person because of race, creed, color, or handicap. However, the Board of Directors, by a majority vote of the entire Board, may decline a request for Membership should the Board consider that the applicant would be a liability to the Organization. In the event an applicant whose request for Membership has been declined shall petition the Board of Directors for reconsideration of its decision, the Board of Directors shall give written notice to the applicant, and conduct a hearing concerning his/her request for Membership, at which hearing the applicant and his/her representative may present oral and written evidence in his/her behalf and make a statement. The application for Membership shall thereafter be declined only by a three-quarters majority vote of the entire Board of Directors.
Once membership status has been established, such Membership shall be terminated for non-payment of dues, and also may be revoked for good cause by a three-quarters majority vote of the entire Board of Directors, upon written notice to the Member and a hearing, at which the Member and his/her representative may present oral and/or written evidence in his/her behalf and to make a statement.
Membership shall be revoked upon termination of the Member's membership in his/her national sporting model aviation authority. Any member who is expelled from membership may be reinstated to membership only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Membership shall lapse if dues are not received within thirty (30) days of the Annual Due Date of January 1. Any member in good standing may resign his membership by given notice in writing to the organization Secretary/Treasurer.
Base dues for new applicants will be prorated for the remainder of the year of application on a quarterly basis (e.g., member joining in the first quarter of the year will pay the full year's dues; second quarter, three-fourths annual dues, third quarter, one-half annual dues, and fourth quarter, full year's dues which will be dues for the remainder of the year when paid plus the following year).
The Organization shall be represented by the following:
1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, the Vice President, eleven U.S. Representatives with each Representative representing one of the districts in which he/her has his/her residence, and one Representative from each foreign country. Those eleven Districts located in the United States shall be analogous to those in existence for the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). Each Representative shall be nominated from and elected by those JPO Members residing in each such District or foreign country. Each Representative shall serve a two-year term, and may be nominated for subsequent two-year terms. The Board of Directors shall be the primary decision-making body of the Organization but shall have the authority to delegate and supervise decision-making powers as it deems necessary or desirable. In the event that the JPO members of a particular country do not elect or appoint a JPO representative for that country, the Board of Directors may appoint one of that country's resident JPO members as the JPO Representative for that country.
2. VACANCIES: In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of a Representative, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Member residing in the District/Country to complete the then current two-year term. Appointed Representatives shall be entitled to vote on any matters brought before the Board of Directors for consideration and action.
3. VOTING: Each duly elected Member of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to one vote on any matter brought before the Board of Directors for consideration and action. Each Assistant Representative, or appointed person to any position in the Organization, or any other officer of the Organization shall not be entitled to vote on any matter presented to the Board of Directors for its consideration and action, except as otherwise provided in this constitution, or in the By-Laws.
4. ASSISTANTS: JPO Representatives may appoint such Assistants as he/she considers desirable for the proper administration of his/her District or country. The Assistants must be current JPO members.
The Officers of the Organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and such other Officers as the Board of Directors considers necessary or desirable to conduct the business of the Organization. The procedures for the election or appointment of Officers shall be determined by the Board of Directors, however, the President and Vice President shall be elected by the majority vote of the Members of the Organization.
PRESIDENT: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization. He/She shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for the enforcement of all the provisions of the Constitution, By-Laws, and other officially promulgated rules and regulations, directives and guidelines of the Organization, and for fostering the purposes and objectives of the Organization. He/She shall implement and execute all legally enacted directives and proposals of the Board of directors, and shall perform such other duties relating to the operation of the Organization as directed by the Board of Directors.
The President shall preside over the meetings of the Membership and the formal meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall be responsible for presenting agenda items to the Board at both its formal meetings and by way of written proposals when the Board is not meeting formally.
The President shall be a member, ex-officio, of all regular and special committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall have the authority to establish or dissolve any committees other than those established by By-Laws or the Board of directors and to appoint or remove committee chairpersons, except as otherwise provided by the By-Laws; and to make final and binding decisions relative to unresolved disputes and protests.
VICE-PRESIDENT: In the event of the absence, disability, or inability of the President to perform the duties or his/her office for any reason, the Vice President shall be responsible for executing all of the duties and assuming all of the responsibilities of the office of the President. The Vice President also shall perform such other duties relating to the operation of the Organization as may be assigned by the President or directed by the Board of Directors.
SECRETARY/TREASURER: The Secretary/Treasurer Shall be responsible to the President and to the Board of Directors for conducting the financial affairs and maintaining the records of the Organization including minutes of any formal meeting of the Board, and a roster of the Membership. He/She also shall be responsible for the incorporation of any duly enacted amendments to the Constitution and changes in the By-Laws and for promulgating announcements of such amendments and changes in the purposes, objectives, and functioning of the Organization to the Membership,. The Secretary/Treasurer also shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or directed by the Board of Directors. He/She shall collect all moneys and other things of value due, payable, or donated to the Organization, and shall disburse Organization funds as directed by the Board of Directors.
A duly elected Representative may be recalled for good cause only by a three-quarter majority vote of those voting Members of the District he/she represents, or after a three-quarter majority vote of the Board of Directors. In the latter case, written notice shall be served upon any Representative of this pending recall action. The Representative will be permitted to formally resign their position or show grounds for an appeal. Thirty (30) days shall be allowed from notification of pending recall to present a statement in writing to the Board of Directors. Failure to respond within this period will constitute non-interest by the Representative in retaining his/her position. Forty-five (45) days after notification a vote shall be taken and a three-fourths majority of all voting Board members shall ratify or rescind this action. The Representative will then be informed, in writing, on their continued status.
Any Assistant or other person appointed by any JPO Representative, or Officers serves at the pleasure of the person appointing him/her, and may be relieved of his/her duties by the person so appointing. Any Officer of the Organization, and those Assistants or other persons appointed by the Board of Directors, may be impeached and removed from his/her office or position for good cause by a three-quarter majority vote of the voting members of the Board of Directors after written notice has been given to such Officer or person and a hearing conducted, at which hearing such Officer or person and his/her representative may present oral and written evidence and make a statement.
Meetings of the Membership of the Organization shall be held as considered necessary or desirable by the Board of Directors. Notice of such meetings and the matters to be brought before it shall be given in the Organization's official publication, or by the Secretary by direct mail, no later than thirty days before the meeting is to convene. An agenda of those matters considered at the meeting and their results shall be published by the Secretary. An alternative to a general meeting of members, which will be used when possible, is written mail-in ballots by members following full disclosure by Organization's newsletter or mail.
Any constitutional amendment proposed by any Officer or Representative of the Organization shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors for its consideration, and shall become part of the constitution upon a three-quarters majority vote of the entire Board of Directors approving such amendment. Any constitutional amendment proposed by a petition of not less than ten percent of the Membership shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors who shall cause the proposed amendment to be published to the Membership for comment. After a suitable period to allow Membership comment, the Board of Directors shall consider such proposed amendments, and such amendment shall become part of the constitution upon a three-quarters majority vote of the entire Board of Directors approving such amendment.